Thursday, November 14, 2013

My first few days in Barcelona

Hello everybody!

Im really behind on my blog so I'm going to try and catch up. Things have been SO busy here in Barcelona since we got here, but that is definitely a good thing. We got into Barcelona Monday morning at 7am, after leaving Nashville at noon on Sunday. Needless to say it was a long day and we were all exhausted. Our host families picked us up at the school once we got into town.The school is Catholic and goes from preschool- high school.  Afterwards, went back to their "flat" and I unpacked my bags and got settled in my room. My family is so so nice! I was worried about living with a host family, but it has definitely been a great experience so far. Later that day we went back to the school to meet the kids in our family and also our teachers. My teacher forgot about the meeting haha. After we went back to our flat and had supper. We had a typical spanish meal, which was like an omelet with potatoes in it. It was very good. Monday was also the oldest girl, Lucia's, birthday. We had a birthday cake that night to celebrate. It was a great start to my trip. After supper the parents and I had some champagne to celebrate the start of my stay with them. It made me feel very loved even if I don't like champagne. 

Tuesday morning all the "American teachers", as they call us, met at the school. We had an orientation and then got a tour. After lunch I finally got to meet my teacher. I am placed in a Kindergarten class of 21 students. I thought Kindergarten in the states was wild, but boy I was wrong. I just had to sit back and take it all in. My students are so cute and sweet, but very rowdy! School here is from 9-4:45, with a 2 hour lunch break from 1-3.  On our lunch some of us walked around the area around the school. We found all sorts of cute shops and cafes. After school me, Sarah, and Amanda walked to a mall area and did some shopping. We found an H&M and even a store selling Carhartt. It made me feel right at home :) That night we ate at a Cafe and I had some yummy pizza!

Wednesday was the craziest day at school. This week is Santa Isabel week, the saint the school is named after. Each class has a color (green, red, yellow, or blue). The whole school is competing against the other colors. Our class is green and Wednesday was our day. All the green classes wore green instead of their uniforms and there were green decorations everywhere!! It was neat to see so much school pride over here. ALL day we did activities relating to that and marched around yelling "GREEN is our team!" Of course my students were WILD! It was a fun day! I ate supper at home that night with my 3 host kids. The parents went to a meeting in our building, so the kids and I just ate together. We had these little things that I thought looked like fried apple pies. I was sure wrong. They were stuffed with tuna, tomato sauce, and olives. I won't make any more comments..... While we were eating, the kids tried to teach me some spanish words and I was having lots of trouble rolling my r's and l's. It was absolutely hilarious. We laughed and laughed. It was so much fun and really made me feel happy inside.

Today was a little bit calmer day. I got to see instruction in my classroom, even if some of it was in Spanish. The language barrier has been a lot more difficult then I had expected. My teacher and my host family speak pretty good English, but others around the town do not. A lady from the school told us to try and not stick out as Americans. As I'm sure you can guess, that is very difficult for me! After school I tutored Jorge, my host brother, in English. He is so silly! Then I went back to the mall area with some other girls. It's nice to have so many girls here that I'm close to. It definitely makes this experience more enjoyable! 

I'm hoping for an exciting weekend here in Barcelona! Hopefully we'll get to see more of the city.

Mary Bruce

My adorable host family kids
Dining room and there is a deck to the right
Living Room

Part of the kitchen
My bedroom. Thankful to have a comfy bed!
This was beside my bed when I arrived at the flat :)

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